Last Call for Movies at 24th edition

Even dod­ging the poli­ti­cal deba­te, everyo­ne can recog­ni­ze a mul­ti­ple and very rich per­so­na­lity in the Spa­nish cul­tu­re, from Madrid to Gali­cia, Cata­lo­nia, the Bas­que Coun­try or Anda­lu­cia. Every regi­on has its own idi­osyn­crasy and lately, in Cata­lo­nia, has rai­sed a power­ful citi­zen move­ment whi­ch is making seri­ous steps in order to sepa­ra­te from the Spa­nish Sta­te. This growing move­ment has been pro­vo­ked by seve­ral rea­sons; the cri­sis, the poli­ti­cal, eco­no­mic and soci­al disa­gre­e­ments betwe­en the Cata­lan govern­ment and the cen­tral govern­ment, etc., but has also redis­co­ve­red some his­to­ri­cal, cul­tu­ral and idi­o­ma­tic vin­di­ca­ti­ons that today, more than ever, are pene­tra­ting in the people’s speech.

That’s why, in this very moment, it is also more inte­res­ting than ever to get into the Cata­lan cul­tu­re and art. For that, there’s no bet­ter way than the cine­ma. What we pro­po­se is a pro­gram­me that inclu­des five fea­tu­re films (one docu­men­tary, one docu-fic­ti­on, and three fic­ti­ons) and four shorts, all very dif­fe­rent betwe­en each other, but a good repre­sen­ta­ti­on of this cul­tu­re. Some of the­se films talk about soci­al issu­es: La Gran­ja del Pas is a power­ful docu­men­tary about evic­ted fami­li­es; Nada S.A. and El cor­re­dor, short films, are scathing come­di­es about unem­ploy­ment; La pla­ga, betwe­en rea­lity and fic­ti­on, por­traits a lit­tle com­mu­nity from Barcelona’s outs­kirts. Other films pro­gram­med take other the­mes, per­so­nal dra­mas that can beco­me as uni­ver­sal as Sha­kes­pe­a­re is: Otel·lo brings the Bri­tish author nowa­days, refreshing the tra­gedy with a lush pers­pec­ti­ve; Tots volem el mil­lor per a ella and El camí més llarg per tor­nar a casa are both excel­lent sur­gi­cal explo­ra­ti­ons about inter­nal pain, cau­sed by a dise­a­se or by an unbe­a­ra­ble loss. Finally, short films No me qui­tes and El adiós are inti­ma­te but trans­cen­den­tal epi­so­des of two strong women.
